Archway Cicero
Second Grade Newsletter
Week of February 18, 2019
parents of second grade!
No School
Simple Machine
Projects Due
Math Review
and Division Test
Upcoming Dates:
Expansion Day is coming up on March 4th. Students will be allowed to wear
either jeans and a pioneer shirt, or a pioneer dress. They can also wear cowboy
boots. We will be outside, so feel free to also send in your student with
cowboy hats, bonnets, or other accessories.
As an additional
note, please be aware that parents are welcome to attend this event if they are
fingerprinted volunteers. Please check your email for the signup that was sent
out last week if you would like to volunteer.
Thank you for your cooperation. The second grade is very excited for
this day! :)
Please read aloud with your student each
night. They should read their leveled book from the red book bag and read from
their Science and History notes to review them. They must bring their books
back each day. You should see the books being changed about once a week.
Students may have their books longer if they forget to bring their book on a
reading group day.
We are still in great need of reading
volunteers. The reading groups program cannot work without your
Review Questions for Westward Expansion:
Who were some
important explorers and what were they known for? Daniel Boone opened the Wilderness Road so that settlers could get
through the Appalachian Mountains; Jedediah Smith discovered the South Pass
through the Rockies.
Why would
Americans want to go west? They wanted to
explore the frontier; the government promised they would get a lot of land,
they found Gold in California
What would you
need to bring with you if you were travelling on the Oregon Trail? Clothing, food, tools, cooking utensils,
farming tools, matches, etc.
How far does the
Oregon Trail go, and how long would it take you to get there? Over 2,000 miles; it would take 6 months!
What obstacles
would be in your way west? Rocky
Mountains, rivers, wild animals, deserts,
We will
review our strategies for multiplying and dividing by 5’s and 10’s. We
will take home a review to study on thursday night in preparation for our
test on Friday.
This week we will wrap up Little House in the
Big Woods and transition to American Tall Tales together in class. We
will explore the elements of a tall tale and compare and contrast the
This week we are reading “The Swing” by Robert
Louis Stevenson. We are taking a brief hiatus from memorizing this week so
children can focus more deeply on their simple machines project.
Language Arts
The students continue to review everything we
have learned in grammar so far this school year. In writing, we will continue to work on
copywork and dictation in conjunction with history, and continue writing our
own summaries.
We will be learning 10 new words on Tuesday,
and Wednesday. We will review all 20 words on Thursday, and test on Friday.
We will finish our unit on Simple Machines with
project presentations on February 20th. Attached to this this email is
another copy of the project outline.
History & Geography
This week we will continue our unit on Westward
Expansion. We will learn about changes in communication, including the Pony
Express and the Transcontinental Railroad.
The Second Grade Team