
This page is for information regarding homework in second grade. For more specific questions, please feel free to email Miss Fawcett, or text on the remind app. 

All homework (aside from the math workbook) will come home through the Green Take Home folder. Please go through this folder nightly with your child.

Homework Time 
Students in 2nd grade are expected to spend approximately 35-60 minutes on homework nightly. The breakdown is as follows:
Reading for enjoyment - 15 min
Math - 10-20 min
Spalding - 10-20 min
Poetry - varies

If you find your child is consistently spending more than an hour on homework nightly, please let Miss Fawcett know. 
If your child is having a difficult night of homework in math, please DO NOT spend more than 30 minutes on it. At this point it is more beneficial to stop and get clarity in class than to spend a night in tears. Simply leave a note on the math page for Miss Fawcett. 

In the Agenda 
Homework will be written in the agenda daily. Parents should sign the agenda in the parent comment box nightly to show they have seen the agenda.
For math: "WB pg xx-xx" designates homework in the Singapore math workbook. Math homework that is given as a title "Counting by tens Example" refers to a worksheet with that title and it can be found in the green take home folder. 
Phrases in quotes (ex. "Hurt No Living Thing") with due dates are poems and their recitation dates. New poems go home Mondays, recitations are on Fridays of the second week.

Math homework will typically come home in the math workbook. Students can expect to have 1-3 pages of homework and spend 10-20 minutes. I do my best to allow time to start homework in class.
Expectations for word problems: Moving forward at the Archway level, scholars are expected to have three parts present in all word problems to recieve complete points:
- A picture model (this starts as a picture or number bond and moves to bar models)
- An equation
- A sentence answer 
Some word problems in the workbook will have one or more of the parts included already in order to remind students how to solve - as long as each part is present and correct, they will get credit. 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Spelling Homework:  10 new words each day 
In class, your child received direction and instruction with 10 new words. 
The homework steps are: 
1. Parent: Say each word, then say it in a sentence, and then say the word again.
2. Your child repeats the word, writes the word while saying the sounds, and writes markings, as seen on your copy of words. 
He/she does not include the rules they learned in class, as rules are only practiced in class. ----Incorrectly spelled words should be crossed out once and written correctly on the same line. 

Thursday Spelling Homework:
All 30 words  

1. Say each word, then say it in a sentence, and then say the word again. 

2. Your child writes the word only, as seen on your copy. He/she does not include the markings (on Thursday) or rules they learned in class.  

---help your child make appropriate corrections, immediately, before moving on to the next word.  

3. Process is done once, so each of the 30 weekly words from M,T,Wed. has been practiced once.  
(Please make sure your child is not copying the words from this homework page, but you are reading them to your child.)

Students will be tested over the 30 words on Friday in class. They will only be assessed on the spelling of the words, not the markings. There will be no Spalding homework over the weekend.

Students will read for enjoyment for 15 minutes nightly. Feel free to choose any book for this reading; we want to instill in our students a love of reading, therefore the choice is theirs on what material they choose to read at home. Students may choose to do their nightly reading in a variety of ways including: reading aloud to a parent, reading silently to themselves, listening to a sibling read, listening to a parent read aloud, watching tv with subtitles on, enjoying a magazine, playing a reading app, practicing their poem, or my personal favorite, reading the back of cereal boxes. Any kind of reading is appreciated. Students are encouraged to read from their red reading bag books to help them move through the reading levels at the right pace and progression. 

Homework Policy
Homework is to be turned in on the due date. Late homework should always be turned in. Students who forget their homework may have to stay in for the first ten minutes of their first or second recess to make up their homework before being dismissed if it continues to be a pattern. Students are encouraged to begin homework in class so they have less to do at home. Consistently late homework results in a deduction of points. Extenuating circumstances like illness or family emergency will be dealt with on an individual basis through correspondence with Miss Fawcett.