Sunday, November 7, 2021



-Thank you to everyone who has helped make compliance with the current mask requirements easy by providing your scholars with masks. We appreciate you and how easy you make our jobs!

-Please join us for our Insect Museum on November 17th at 9:30AM in the MPR! Our scholars are excited to show off the hard work they have been putting into their science projects! Parents will not need to sign in at the front office, but instead will be able to enter and exit through the MPR doors. 

-We are noticing recess equipment tends to quickly disappear when we have so many grades on the playground, especially with older students managing to get balls on the roof. We would love to provide our second grade scholars with a recess bag of equipment that is just their own. If you would like to contribute to that, here’s a sign up of some of the items we are hoping to get for them!

-All parts of the Insect Project are due the week after this one. Please encourage your scholar to ask any questions they still have about the project requirements and support them as they work on their models and reports. Please remember: you can be of most help by allowing them to do all of the thinking themselves. Your idea for a sentence might sound better, but you already went to second grade. They will be okay. 

-Reading groups continue this week, and students should be reading their leveled readers out loud with parents 20 minutes every night. Please send books back to school on Mondays and Thursdays. Please sign up to help read with kids if you are able to!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

August 30 - Sep 2


Please note that we have Galileo testing on Tuesday (reading) and Thursday (math).  Galileo is an internal computer-based test that shows growth over the course of the year. Please encourage your scholars to do their very best and show what they know! I encourage you to speak with your scholar about their goals! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. 


This week we will be focusing on mindfulness in class, with an emphasis on calming our bodies. There is constant body movement in our class that creates an environment of anxiety, disorganization, and distraction. By learning how to calm the movement in our bodies we will reduce the excessive stimulation in the learning environment, allowing for more engaged participation and enriched learning. If you have tips that you use and want to teach your scholar at home, we would love to hear and include them!


Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of August 30,  2021


Greetings, parents of second grade!









Galileo Testing (Reading)

Boxcar Children Free-For-All Race & Picnic

Galileo Testing (Math)

Half Day Release 11:40 am




On Tuesday and Thursday of this week, we will be doing Galileo testing. Galileo is computer-based testing to show growth over the course of the school year. It is very important that our scholars take this testing seriously and do their best, so that we can learn their strengths and weaknesses to address in the classroom. Galileo testing is used internally to help us better service our scholars. This is not state testing. This is our scholar’s first time taking this computer-based test, so we ask that to prepare for this, they get a full night’s rest, have a healthy breakfast, and are at school before 7:35. We will begin testing promptly at 7:40.


On Wednesday we have the Boxcar Children Free-For-All race and picnic. If you volunteered to provide food for our picnic, please send that in no later than Tuesday, August 27th.


Thank you to everyone who has graciously donated to our class wish list! We have been fortunate to receive some really fun items like super scholar markers, plant life cycle magnets, and reward stickers! If you would like to support our class in this way, you can find our wishlist here: Amazon Wishlist These donations help our classroom by adding joy and fun to the culture, the curriculum, and the content that we teach. 


We have noticed some of our students are starting to lose energy and focus throughout the day. Please make sure your student is getting enough sleep at night, so that they can be at their best throughout the school day! Below is the recommended amount of sleep for children per the AASM.


Consider also sending a morning snack that is high in protein and low in sugar, such as cheese or yogurt.  Fruit and vegetables also make good snacks.  This will help students sustain energy and focus throughout the day!

  Sleep Hours Table




This week we will begin Unit 2 - addition and subtraction.


This week we will continue reading The Boxcar Children.


This week we will begin our next poem, Autumn by Emily Dickinson. Recitations will be on September 10th.

Language Arts

The students will practice identifying nouns in sentences.  In addition, they will do copywork and dictation from a narrated passage in class.


This week we will not have Spalding, due to Galileo testing. Instead we will be taking the Morrison McCall 50 word test.


This week in science, we will continue our life cycles unit by learning about the life cycles of a chicken and a frog. 

History & Geography

This week we will continue our Ancient India unit by reading about Hinduism and exploring the Hindu celebration of Diwali.



The Second Grade Team

Monday, August 23, 2021

Bed in Summer - due 8/27

Bed In Summer

By Robert Louis Stevenson 

In winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer, quite the other way,
I have to go to bed by day.

I have to go to bed and see
The birds still hopping on the tree,
Or hear the grown-up people's feet
Still going past me in the street.

And does it not seem hard to you,
When all the sky is clear and blue,
And I should like so much to play,
To have to go to bed by day?

August 23 - August 27


Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of August 23,  2021


Greetings, parents of second grade!









Geography Mini-Quiz

Seasons Test


Early Release 1:10 pm

Unit 1 Math Assessment 

Bed in Summer recitations




Volunteer Opportunities:

-If you would like to contribute to the supplies we need for our next interactive science unit, you can sign up here. Please bring all items in by Friday, September 3rd. Thank you!


-Students will be participating in a Free-for-All race and picnic, just like the Boxcar Children! If you’d like to contribute to the event, please sign up here. Please deliver items to the front office by Monday, August 30. Thank you! 


-We will be starting Reading Groups soon! If you would like to volunteer, we ask that you please watch the following training video and complete the confidentiality agreement below:




-A HUGE Thank you to those of you who have so generously contributed to our classroom via our wishlist! This helps in more ways than you can imagine. These additional resources really make the content come alive! You can find the wishlist here Amazon Wishlist


Important Information:

-If you missed Spalding/Singapore parent night, you can watch the recording with the following link:


-Tutoring begins next week. Tutoring will take place after school on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:05-3:25. **Please keep in mind that tutoring is by invitation only**


-Please join your grade level for Coffee with the Headmaster on 9/7:


-We are aware of the issues some people were  having with Dennis Uniforms, but as a reminder, please remember that boys need to have a belt, girls need to have shorts under their skirts, and all shoes must be either black OR white, with no added colors.


Thank you all for working with us. If you have any questions, please reach out!




This week we will be reviewing unit 1 on place value and taking our first assessment.


This week we will continue reading The Boxcar Children.


This week we will complete our recitations of Bed in Summer

Language Arts

The students will practice identifying nouns in sentences.  In addition, they will do copywork and dictation from a narrated passage in class.


This week we will learn 30  new words in Spalding.  We will learn 10 new words on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will review on Thursday and test on Friday. This will be consistent for the remainder of the year. 


This week in science, we will wrap up our unit on Seasonal Cycles. We will review for the test on Tuesday, and take the test on Wednesday. The study guide was sent home on Friday. We will also begin our new unit on Life Cycles. This week we will focus on the life cycle of an oak tree and chickens.

History & Geography

This week we will begin our Ancient India unit by identifying the Indus River, reading about Hinduism and exploring the Hindu celebration of Diwali.



The Second Grade Team

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Aug 16 - 20th


Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of August 16, 2021


Greetings, parents of second grade!


We have successfully completed our first FULL week of second grade! Pat yourselves on the back, you made it this far! Only 39 weeks to go!









Early Release: 

1:10 pm

Half Day 


11:40 am




  • Friday is our first official half-day! Please note the time change from previous years - scholars will be released at 11:40 AM. 


  • Please make sure you are sending your child with a water bottle.  This helps them stay hydrated without needing to miss instruction time!


  • Below is a link to a video from AZED regarding the Move on When Reading law. The video gives a short overview of the law as well as tips for helping your scholars learn to read. 

Move On When Reading Overview Video for Parents (English):


  • We are hosting our Spalding/Singapore Parent night next Wednesday, August 18th from 6:00-6:45 PM. This meeting will be held via Zoom. We will have teachers from all grade levels going over Spalding and Singapore in detail. This will help you as parents get a better understanding of our phonics and math programs. It will also give you an idea of how your scholar will be learning in the classroom. You can use the following Zoom link: 

Thank you,

Edward Blair | Assistant Headmaster




This week we will review place value concepts.  We will also be comparing and ordering numbers within 1000 and identifying number patterns.


This week we will continue reading The Boxcar Children and discuss various scenarios the characters face. 


Scholars will practice the poem “Bed in Summer” by Robert Louis Stevenson. We will recite this poem on August 27th.

Language Arts

This week scholars will be assessed using the DIBELS reading measurement. This data will be used to determine scholars’ reading levels and specific areas of need.


This week we will finish learning phonograms.  We will review first grade words on Friday.


This week in science we will be continuing our unit on seasonal cycles by learning about summer, fall, and winter. 

History & Geography

This week we will be learning the 7 continents, the 5 oceans, and some of the many different landforms on our planet.


New Year!

 Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year!

Here you can find information about all things second grade at Archway Cicero, including important dates, newsletters, curricular resources, and more! Have a look around!

-- Mrs. Johnstun 2A

-- Mrs. Smith 2B

-- Ms. Fawcett 2C

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Smart - Shel Silverstein


Shel Silverstein

My dad gave me one dollar bill
‘Cause I’m his smartest son,
And I swapped it for two shiny quarters
‘Cause two is more than one!

And then i took the quarters
And traded them to Lou
For three dimes-i guess he don’t know
that three is more than two!

Just then, along came old blind Bates
And just ’cause he can’t see
He gave me four nickels for my three dimes,
And four is more than three!

And i took the nickels to Hiram Coombs
Down at the seed-feed store,
and the fool gave me five pennies for them,
And five is more than four!

And then i went and showed my dad,
and he got red in the cheeks
And closed his eyes and shook his head-
Too proud of me to speak!

Newsletter 3/5-3/9


Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of April 5, 2021


Greetings, parents of second grade!









Reading Groups

Time Review

Time Quiz

Reading Groups

Spalding Test




If your scholar attends morning math intervention in the MPR, please note that there will be no intervention sessions held this week on Wednesday the 7th and Friday the 9th to accommodate for state testing. 


During the school day scholars need a healthy snack, one lunch, and another snack if they stay after school for atheneum. Some scholars are letting us know that they are still hungry at the end of the day. Consider talking with your scholar about what they eat at school and if they feel they might need more to eat. 





We will wrap up our unit on telling time with a quiz on Wednesday, then we will begin our unit on graphs. 


We will continue to read Sarah Plain and Tall as a class, and practice answering reading comprehension questions after each chapter.  We will identify the type of text, then concentrate on finding the essential ideas, events or details from the given text. 


We will begin “Smart” by Shel Silverstein. 

Language Arts

Students will practice identifying story elements such as character, setting, problem, and solution. They will use their findings to create a story summary of a tale from the Underground Railroad. 


We will be learning 10 new words on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will review all 30 words on Thursday and test on Friday.


We will continue to learn about the human body - specifically cells and tissue

History & Geography

We will continue learning about the Civil War. This week we will learn about the start of the war and some key leaders. Due to the more serious nature of this content, we encourage you to have conversations with your scholars about the things they are learning.



The Second Grade Team

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Newsletter 3/29


Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of March 29, 2021


Greetings, parents of second grade!









Reading Groups

Poetry recitations begin

Reading Groups


Poetry recitations due








There is no school this Friday, April 2nd. This will also be an R&R weekend.


Join us in wishing Mrs. Artiles a Happy Birthday this Monday, March 29th! She can be reached  at


We will be using the Core Knowledge Language Arts curriculum to explore our units on the civil war, immigration and the civil rights era. CKLA is a free, standards-based curriculum used by schools across the country, both public and charter. This curriculum is available for download at the link below. Here you can see what your scholar will be learning, as well as find resources and literature to continue these discussions at home to expand their learning. If you have any questions about what these upcoming units will look like, please feel free to reach out.



This week we will start our unit on telling time on a digital and analog clock to the minute. 


This week we will continue reading Sarah, Plain and Tall. 


We will continue learning “The Seashell” by Frederico Garcia Lorca. This poem relates to our literature book, Sarah, Plain and Tall.

Language Arts

Students will continue to do dictation and copywork. This week we will discuss capitalization, and review adjectives. We are reading Sarah Plain and Tall Chapters 3 and 4


We will be learning 10 new words on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will review all 30 words on Thursday. Since there is no school on Friday, students will not be tested on these words.


This week we will continue to study the human body, this week focusing on the contributions of inventor Anton van Leeuwenhoek

History & Geography

This week we will continue learning about the Civil War. Students will learn about the division of the United States and the events that led some states to secede, forming the Union and the Confederacy.



The Second Grade Team