Monday, August 24, 2020

Week of August 24th

Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of August 24,  2020



Greetings, parents of second grade!
















Unit 1 Math Assessment






-We have a slight change in reading group training this year. With the way things have changed, we have decided to record the training for you to watch. Lisa Pain, our reading specialist, has created a training that explains reading groups in detail. She explains what they are, how they work and what to expect when the time comes to start them. You can expect to have this video available to you via Google Classroom on Thursday, August 27th at 8 AM. If interested in volunteering with reading groups, please watch the video and fill out the Google Form, which will also be available in Google Classroom. ***This is ONLY required for those who are wanting to volunteer and help with reading groups in K-2nd grade***THERE WILL BE NO LIVE TRAINING VIA ZOOM ON AUGUST 27TH. Mrs. Pain’s recording will REPLACE the live training.


-As a reminder, if a student's camera is not on, we cannot count them as present for that day. If you scholar is going to be absent from a Zoom session, please alert front office. Students may turn off cameras for leaving to use the restroom or on breaks.


-If you have not signed up for a DIBELs testing window yet please do so here:




-Thank you to those of you who have so generously contributed to our classroom via our wishlist. You can find the wishlist here



Here is the link to Singapore Math night!



Thank you all for working with us. If you have any questions, please reach out!






This week we will begin reviewing place value to the hundreds. Students should be able to convert numbers into standard, expanded, and word form in order to be ready for our unit 1 quiz on Friday.


This week we will continue reading The Boxcar Children.


This week we will learn Furry Bear.

Language Arts

The students will practice identifying nouns in sentences.  In addition, they will do copywork and dictation from a narrated passage in class.


This week we will learn 30  new words in Spalding.  We will learn 10 new words on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will review on Thursday and test on Friday.


This week in science, we will learn about the life cycles of plants, chickens, frogs and butterflies.

History & Geography

This week we will begin our Ancient India unit by identifying the Indus River, reading about Hinduism and exploring the Hindu celebration of Diwali.




The Second Grade Team

Furry Bear - Due Sept 5th

Furry Bear 

By A. A. Milne

If I were a bear,
   And a big bear too,
I shouldn't much care
   If it froze or snew;
I shouldn't much mind
   If it snowed or friz -
I'd be all fur-lined
   With a coat like his!

For I'd have fur boots and a brown fur wrap,
And brown fur knickers and a big fur cap.
I'd have a fur muffle-ruff to cover my jaws,
And brown fur mittens on my big brown paws.
With a big brown furry-down up to my head,
I'd sleep all the winter in a big fur bed.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Week of August 17th


Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of August 17, 2020



Greetings, parents of second grade!









Class Zoom 10-12

Class Zoom 10-12

Class Zoom 10-12



Class Zoom 10-12

½ day

Class Zoom 9:00-10:00 am





Thank you for a wonderful first week of school!  I have loved interacting with your scholars each day and I am excited for what the rest of the year will bring.

Please note: This Friday is our first Half Day! This means our live zoom will only be 1 hour long and will be from 9:00-10:00AM instead of at it’s normal time. I will send a Remind text of this on Friday morning!

Required: Use the sign up link below to select a time for your child to take the DIBELS test with their teacher this week or next.  We will be administering our benchmark Dibels test via Zoom this quarter. This needs to be a time that both the student and the parent are available.  We are looking forward to reading one on one with your children!

Thank you to those of you who were able to make it to curriculum night on Thursday! If you were unable to attend curriculum night, we are asking that all parents please watch the recorded video here:

Please refer to the Google Classroom Tech section to answer various questions you may have.  There are helpful videos on how to replace deleted assignments, how to submit various types of files and other tips on how to interact with the interface. 

Please submit all welcome paperwork if you have not already done so. 

Please watch the recording of our school Spalding night if you are seeking information regarding the Spalding Curriculum.


Below is a link to a video from AZED regarding the Move on When Reading law. The video gives a short overview of the law as well as tips for helping your scholars learn to read.

Move On When Reading Overview Video for Parents (English):





This week we will review place value concepts.  We will also be comparing and ordering numbers within 1000 and identifying number patterns.


This week we will continue reading The Boxcar Children and discuss various scenarios the characters face.


Scholars will begin reciting Bed in Summer this week.  Scholars will be  submitting a video of their recitation to be graded using the second grade poetry rubric.

Language Arts

The students will begin learning about complete sentences and common nouns in grammar. In addition, they will do copywork and dictation from a narrated passage.


This week we will learn 30 new words in Spalding.  We will learn a total of 10 new words each on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will review on Thursday and test on Friday.


This week in science we will be starting our unit on the life cycles of plants and animals.

History & Geography

This week we will review the 7 continents.




The Second Grade Team

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Bed In Summer - Due 8/21


Bed in Summer 

by Robert Louis Stevenson 

In winter I get up at night 

And dress by yellow candle-light. 

In summer quite the other way, 

I have to go to bed by day. 

I have to go to bed and see

The birds still hopping on the tree, 

Or hear the grown-up people’s feet 

Still going past me in the street. 

And does it not seem hard to you, 

When all the sky is clear and blue, 

And I should like so much to play, 

To have to go to bed by day? 

*Note: This poem is located on page 28 of The Harp and Laurel Wreath

Week of August 10th


Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of August 10, 2020



Greetings, parents of second grade!









First Day of School!












Welcome to Second Grade!


We are very excited to begin our year together!  Please review the outline of our daily schedule below to ensure that your child is ready for their daily class Zoom calls at 10 am.  Students need to have watched their math video and done their anchor task each day prior to the class meeting! This is critical information they will need in order to participate in our class guided practice. 




Independent Learning (Google Classroom):

      Watch Math Lesson

      Math Anchor Task

      History/Science Lesson






Live Instruction (Zoom):

      Class Meeting & Community Building

      Math Homework Review

      Math Guided Practice


      ELA (Spalding, poetry practice, reading skills, literature discussion, grammar & writing instruction, etc.)


Independent Learning Cont. /

1-1 Reading & Tutoring by Invitation:

      Complete any unfinished GC work

      Read 20 minutes

      Math Homework

      Spalding Homework

      If invited, meet with TA/Lead for 1-1 reading or tutoring (Zoom)




If you have not already done so, please locate  your student’s copy of  The Boxcar Children and the 2A Singapore Math Workbook.


They will also need:

-About 10 sheets of spalding paper

-3 sharpened pencils

-1 red red correcting pencil

-Colored pencils



-One thin black expo marker

-Their green folder

-White board (or any dry erase surface such as a white paper in a sheet protector)



The students will begin writing in their Spalding pink notebooks next week. 


In an effort to get to know your scholar during online learning, we are asking all parents to complete this Love Language quiz with your child. Please take a screenshot of the result and email it to the Lead teacher and TA.



The specials teachers created this video to introduce themselves to the scholars! Please take a moment to watch it with them.








This week we will be reviewing numbers to 1000, counting on and back from a given number, and place value.


This week we will begin reading The Boxcar Children.  We will discuss the setting of a story, and make predictions.


We begin practicing “Bed in Summer”, and students will recite on Thursday and Friday of next week.

Language Arts

We will practice the components of a complete sentence.


This week students will review and practice writing manuscript letters, and begin learning the first 45 phonograms.


Our Cycles In Nature unit begins with discussion and experimentation

about the four seasons

History & Geography

We begin our year learning about the features of the Earth and practicing our ability to read maps.




The Second Grade Team