Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter
Week of August 10, 2020
Greetings, parents of second grade!
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
First Day of School!
Welcome to Second Grade!
We are very excited to begin our year together! Please review the outline of our daily schedule below to ensure that your child is ready for their daily class Zoom calls at 10 am. Students need to have watched their math video and done their anchor task each day prior to the class meeting! This is critical information they will need in order to participate in our class guided practice.
8:00-10:00 |
Independent Learning (Google Classroom): ● Watch Math Lesson ● Math Anchor Task ● History/Science Lesson ● Grammar/Writing ● Literature ● Poetry ● Special |
10:00-12:00 |
Live Instruction (Zoom): ● Class Meeting & Community Building ● Math Homework Review ● Math Guided Practice ● Break ● ELA (Spalding, poetry practice, reading skills, literature discussion, grammar & writing instruction, etc.) |
12:00-2:00 |
Independent Learning Cont. / 1-1 Reading & Tutoring by Invitation: ● Complete any unfinished GC work ● Read 20 minutes ● Math Homework ● Spalding Homework ● If invited, meet with TA/Lead for 1-1 reading or tutoring (Zoom) |
If you have not already done so, please locate your student’s copy of The Boxcar Children and the 2A Singapore Math Workbook.
They will also need:
-About 10 sheets of spalding paper
-3 sharpened pencils
-1 red red correcting pencil
-Colored pencils
-One thin black expo marker
-Their green folder
-White board (or any dry erase surface such as a white paper in a sheet protector)
The students will begin writing in their Spalding pink notebooks next week.
In an effort to get to know your scholar during online learning, we are asking all parents to complete this Love Language quiz with your child. Please take a screenshot of the result and email it to the Lead teacher and TA.
The specials teachers created this video to introduce themselves to the scholars! Please take a moment to watch it with them.
Math |
This week we will be reviewing numbers to 1000, counting on and back from a given number, and place value. |
Reading |
This week we will begin reading The Boxcar Children. We will discuss the setting of a story, and make predictions. |
Poetry |
We begin practicing “Bed in Summer”, and students will recite on Thursday and Friday of next week. |
Language Arts |
We will practice the components of a complete sentence. |
Spalding |
This week students will review and practice writing manuscript letters, and begin learning the first 45 phonograms. |
Science |
Our Cycles In Nature unit begins with discussion and experimentation about the four seasons |
History & Geography |
We begin our year learning about the features of the Earth and practicing our ability to read maps. |
The Second Grade Team