Math Help

2A Textbook Link - Can be used for guidance on how to help your child at home if they are not understanding a particular concept. The workbook is often used in class as a guide for the instruction of new material. (Red pencil with lesson # on the bottom of the page indicates the corresponding lesson in the workbook)
2A Workbook Link - Can be used if your child forgets their workbook at school. Individual pages can be printed
2B Workbook Link
2B Textbook Link Coming Soon...

Mental Subtraction (Wb pg 72-73)

Main Idea - Pull out a ten or a hundred to be able to subtract. Tens and hundreds are easy to subtract from because we know our tens facts, and hundreds are just groups of tens. This makes problems like 465 - 80 easier to do mentally because I know I can pull a hundred out of 465 and use that to subtract 80, since I know 100-80=20. 465 is 100 and 365. Once I take the 80 away from the 100 I'm left with 20, which I add back to the 365 to get 385. Below the process is shown more drawn out to remind students about place value and allow them to see that (as in the example above) I can't take 80 away from 5, and I can't take it away from 60, so it has to be from the 400 - and I can make that easier by separating 400 into 100 and 300.

Struggling with Addition with Renaming

-Go back to a picture model and work slowly through the steps

-Can be done with any problem renaming ones (add hundreds column as needed)