Monday, December 16, 2019

December 16-18

Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter
Week of December 16, 2019

Greetings, parents of second grade!


Half Day
12:10 release

Cumulative Review for Math

Magnet Test

Return ALL library books

Half Day
12:10 release

Return ALL library books

Cumulative Math Quiz
Half Day
12 :10 release

No School ~
Winter Break
No School ~
Winter Break

Please make sure that you email your student’s teacher if you plan for your child to miss school leading up to winter break.  We will do our best to deliver any assessments early to ensure they receive accurate quarter two grades. 

Parent teacher conferences will be held on January 6th and 7th.  See your scholar’s teacher with any questions.

There will also be no tutoring this upcoming week, for those students who have been attending Wednesday/Friday.
As the weather (and our classrooms) becomes cool, school dress code states that students may wear a Cicero uniform sweater/sweatshirt or a solid navy sweater inside (no hoodies, please).  They may wear other types of jackets and sweatshirts outside at recess.  We will be enforcing this dress code policy more strictly. Please make sure your scholar has a dress-code appropriate sweater as the classrooms get chilly during the day.

Please send your student with a healthy snack and lunch to help him or her be successful throughout the day in the classroom.  We have noticed that students who have highly-processed and sugary meals have difficulty concentrating in class and regulating behavior, especially in the afternoon.

We will review all semester one concepts including place value, addition, subtraction, measurement, multiplication and division. We will review our learning on monday with a test on Tuesday. Please send the 2B book to school with your scholar for quarter 3.

*Ask your child to sing you our 3’s multiplication facts song to the tune of Jingle Bells!
When we come back from winter break, please send our next book Little House in the Big Woods, with your student.
We will continue to work on our project week poem, The Star Spangled Banner.  Please practice this poem over the break so that your student arrives in January ready to recite! All students in the grade level will recite the poem collectively on January 9th.  Students will recite in small groups for the class individually and may earn extra points if they attempt an individual recitation.
Language Arts
This week, students will be reviewing everything that we have covered in our greek myths unit.
We will be reviewing handwriting this week, and will review all 70 phonograms.
We will wrap up our unit of magnets with a test on Monday. Your scholar will have their binder to study over the weekend. For the test they need to define terms including magnetic, nonmagnetic, poles, attract and repel.
History & Geography
There will be no history this week.

The Second Grade Team