Saturday, March 27, 2021

Newsletter 3/29


Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of March 29, 2021


Greetings, parents of second grade!









Reading Groups

Poetry recitations begin

Reading Groups


Poetry recitations due








There is no school this Friday, April 2nd. This will also be an R&R weekend.


Join us in wishing Mrs. Artiles a Happy Birthday this Monday, March 29th! She can be reached  at


We will be using the Core Knowledge Language Arts curriculum to explore our units on the civil war, immigration and the civil rights era. CKLA is a free, standards-based curriculum used by schools across the country, both public and charter. This curriculum is available for download at the link below. Here you can see what your scholar will be learning, as well as find resources and literature to continue these discussions at home to expand their learning. If you have any questions about what these upcoming units will look like, please feel free to reach out.



This week we will start our unit on telling time on a digital and analog clock to the minute. 


This week we will continue reading Sarah, Plain and Tall. 


We will continue learning “The Seashell” by Frederico Garcia Lorca. This poem relates to our literature book, Sarah, Plain and Tall.

Language Arts

Students will continue to do dictation and copywork. This week we will discuss capitalization, and review adjectives. We are reading Sarah Plain and Tall Chapters 3 and 4


We will be learning 10 new words on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will review all 30 words on Thursday. Since there is no school on Friday, students will not be tested on these words.


This week we will continue to study the human body, this week focusing on the contributions of inventor Anton van Leeuwenhoek

History & Geography

This week we will continue learning about the Civil War. Students will learn about the division of the United States and the events that led some states to secede, forming the Union and the Confederacy.



The Second Grade Team

Sunday, March 21, 2021



by Frederico Garcia Lorca

They've brought me a seashell.
Inside it sings
A map of the sea.
My heart
Fills up with water,
With smallish fish
Of shade and silver.
They've brought me a seashell.

Newsletter 3/22-3/26


Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of March 22,  2021


Greetings, parents of second grade!









Reading Groups

Library Books Due

K-2 Library

Reading groups

Money Day!




Please send a copy of Sarah Plain and Tall with your child after spring break.


Read for Free

In school your child has access to hundreds of high quality books. Now they can have that same access at home on a computer, iPad, or mobile device for free. Epic! is an online reading platform that gives children access to thousands of educational books, many of which are available as read alouds! Find books related to things we are learning in class like Simple Machines, Life Cycles, Westward Expansion, and hundreds of other topics. Search for books specifically on your child’s unique Reading Level to support their reading fluency and comprehension. For Access, download the Epic! app or go to the website and type in our class code: hhg5009 and click on your child’s name.

During “School Hours” M-F 7am-4pm: Students have unlimited access to the entire collection

Evenings after 4pm and Weekends: Students have Epic Free* access with 2-hour/week reading allowance (reset every Monday morning) *parent email required

The two hour limit equates to the 20 minutes per day requirement of reading. If your child is really enjoying the app, I would be happy to create multiple profiles for them to bypass the time limit. There is also the option for parents to purchase the paid version.


Money Day!

Thank you to the many parents who have contributed their time or donated items! We are very excited about this event on Friday. 


Moby Max

We are noticing kids who consistently complete Moby Max practice are making incredible growth in both reading and math. This program is research based to fill gaps as well as offer enrichment for kids who are ready for more.  Moby Max is an excellent tool to close learning gaps due to covid! It has been purchased by the school, so it’s completely free to families. Please take advantage of this incredible program. 


History Unit

This quarter we will be studying the Civil War, Immigration, and Civil Rights Leaders. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact your scholar’s teacher.




We will be reviewing out unit on money in preparation for Money Day


This week we will begin our story Sarah Plain and Tall. 


Our poem this week will be “Seashell” by  Federico Garcia Lorca

Language Arts

In writing, we will continue writing our own summaries. Students are now encouraged to spell all their words correctly in dictation, as many of the words are those we have covered in Spalding.


We will be learning 10 new words on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We will review on Thursday and test Friday. For homework, be sure to write the words one time with markings, plus any corrections.


This week we will begin our Science Unit on cells, tissues and organs.

History & Geography

This week we will begin learning about the Civil War and Harriet Tubman.



The Second Grade Team

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Newsletter 3/8


Archway Cicero Second Grade Newsletter

Week of March 8,  2021


Greetings, parents of second grade!









Reading Groups

Westward Expansion Test

No Reading Groups


Fractions Test


Fun Run! 

Westward Expansion Day!


Half Day - 12:10 release


Upcoming Dates:


Students are permitted to wear field day shirts for the Fun Run on Thursday! Please also put sunscreen on your child at home. 


Westward Expansion Day! 

Please use the following sign-up to bring supplies for Westward Expansion Day


Westward Expansion Day is coming up on March 12th. Students will be allowed to wear either jeans and a pioneer shirt, or a pioneer dress. They can also wear cowboy boots. If they are not wearing cowboy boots, they need to wear their regular school shoes.  We will be outside, so feel free to also send in your student with cowboy hats, bonnets, or other accessories. Please put sunscreen on them at home.  A rule of thumb if you are unsure about your student’s outfit is to send in their uniform with them in their backpack.  



Please read aloud with your student each night. They should read their leveled book from the red book bag.  They must bring their books back each day. You should see the books being changed about once a week. Students may have their books longer if they forget to bring their book on a reading group day.


Review Questions for Westward Expansion:

  • Who were some important explorers and what were they known for?  Daniel Boone opened the Wilderness Road so that settlers could get to Kentucky; Jedediah Smith discovered the South Pass through the Rockies.
  • Why would Americans want to go west? They wanted to explore the frontier; the government promised they would get a lot of land. 
  • How far does the Oregon Trail go, and how long would it take you to get there? Over 2,000 miles; it would take 6 months! 
  • What obstacles would be in your way west? Rocky Mountains, rivers, wild animals, deserts, unfriendly Native Americans, etc.
  • What types of jobs could you have if you moved West? Farmer, Rancher, Cowboy, Miner
  • What’s a Ghost Town and how did they get there? People rushed to an area when valuable minerals were found. This caused “Boom Towns” to spring up almost overnight. Once the mines ran dry, people would leave, and the deserted towns were called Ghost Towns.




We will be taking our test on Fractions 


This week we will continue to read Tall Tales together in class.


We will reread some of our favorite poems from quarter three this week!

Language Arts

The students continue to review everything we have learned in grammar so far this school year. In writing, we will continue to work on copywork and dictation in conjunction with history. Students are now encouraged to spell all their words correctly in dictation, as many of the words are those we have covered in Spalding.


We will take a break from Spalding this week to complete our monthly Morrison Mccall test.


There will be no science this week as we pause to focus on our History Unit on Westward Expansion.

History & Geography

This week we will complete our unit on Westward Expansion and will have a test on Wednesday. 



The Second Grade Team

Buffalo Dusk - 3/5

 Buffalo Dusk
by Carl Sandburg

The buffaloes are gone.
And those who saw the buffaloes are gone.
Those who saw the buffaloes by thousands and how they
     pawed the prairie sod into dust with their great hoofs,
     their great heads down pawing on in a great pageant of dusk,
Those who saw the buffaloes are gone.
And the buffaloes are gone.